Who Is Darcy

Picture this… You are in your twenties. Life should be good, easy, joyful, and bliss, “The best days of your life“. Well I call bullshit. Life is hard, rough, tough, and has the worst sense of humor possible. Now I don’t mean to sound negative at all, in fact, I think there is so much beauty in experiencing this thing called life. Yes it sucks to be going through the most but once you are out and you look back, you realize who you are, how you’ve grown, how you have changed, and how much you’ve learned.

I am a believer that everything happens for a reason. As a Christian, I believe that there is a higher power guiding us, teaching us, and holding us up through our experiences. I also believe that sometimes what we experience is a direct result of dumb decisions (can I get an amen!?). The bottom line is we are all learning, stumbling and falling, celebrating and overcoming. Even if our circumstances and situations may differ, we can still help someone else in the midst of helping ourselves.

Who am I you ask? Truth be told I am still figuring that out. But this blog is created for the very purpose of helping myself through helping others. Hopefully my thoughts, opinions and experiences can help you by providing a good laugh or a word of encouragement or better yet just bring comfort in knowing you aren’t alone…

Hope to hear your feedback soon.

All my love
